AnnouncementsArticlesGame development company Indonesia: Hellomedia

Ikin WirawanJanuary 10, 2014

game development

The business development trends of 2013 showed us that fun and games can be serious business. Companies who have never been in the business of producing games are now finding that providing their customers and employees with games can help achieve many important goals. Whether you want to encourage your customers to interact with your brand online by providing them with fun Facebook-integrated games, or boost employee morale by using games in the workplace to boost productivity, your business can benefit from adding game development to its strategic tools.

One way your company can use computer games is to foster interaction between your customer and your brand. Many of us are guilty of spending an hour or two absorbed in some Facebook game or other. You can take advantage of this human tendency by providing your customers with fun games that creatively feature your brand or products.

Another advantage of computer games is the sense of accomplishment you can get from playing one. Many companies are using gamification–a term for incorporating game playing into the work environment–to encourage friendly competition between employees and boost their productivity. Making game playing a part of your employees’ workday will make their jobs more fun and help motivate them to do their best.

A third advantage of computer games is their tendency to foster social networking. Many Facebook users invite their friends to play games once they have tried them and found them to be entertaining. Providing your customers with a game that encourages them to invite friends is a great way to spread the word about your brand and your product. The game could even go viral, making your brand a household name in days or hours!

Of course, developing a game is never as easy as logging in and playing one. Good game development takes expertise and experience, and your business may not be ready to invest in its own game development department. Especially if you’re just beginning to add online games to your company’s tools, in-house game development can simply be too large of an investment to be sensible.

Fortunately, outsourcing game development does not mean producing low-quality games. The 2014 Hellomedia launch has made it easier than ever for your company to use games to boost its performance. Whether your company is interested in multi-platform games or easy-to-use Facebook apps that invite your customers to pass the time with your brand, we can provide you with the solution you need. Contact us to find more about the games we can develop for you.

*image from:

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