AnnouncementsEmployeesMoU WGS & Aptikom

Ikin WirawanSeptember 9, 2014

MoU WGS & Aptikom

In today’s world, all aspects of our lives are more and more intertwined with Information Technology. That means, opportunities in the IT sector is numerous and thus jobs in this sector is created faster than supply can meet.

By definition, IT makes things more productive. There will be fewer people needed to do traditional jobs; these jobs are replaced by software or by automated robots.

These two facts make me believe, that everyone who wants to succeed in the world of the future, they need to know the second language of the world – coding. They need to know how to program and code a software.

People in the developed countries have realized this. Numerous countries in Europe have put software programming curriculum early enough to kids. They know the urgency, that programming becomes as necessary as math and science in the future world.

As I live in Indonesia, and I love this country, I need to tell people that if Indonesians are not ready, we will fall even behind. But if our human resources are ready, we are ready to capitalize. Imagine, a three year old company like AirBnB, is worth more than the old and prestigious Hyatt. A company with no revenue like WhatsApp is valued more than Burger King. Value creation is at the maximum in the Internet industry.

I’m lucky to be able to tell my stories and get the support from Aptikom, the association of IT universities in Indonesia. Thus, an MoU is inked at University Widyatama. That WGS will put its talents on site on 4 campuses in Bandung initially, to train university students and anybody really, who want to learn professional web and mobile development. We hope not only to secure future career for more Indonesians, but also we’d like to see the next Mark Zuckerberg coming out of Indonesia 🙂

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