AnnouncementsWRP Center runs on WGS Point-of-Sale solution

Ikin WirawanMarch 31, 2015

WRP Center, owned by Nutrifood, was not happy with the new PoS system they just procured from a Singaporean vendor. It was supposed to replace the old PoS system, but it turns out the new one is worse and not usable. After months of frustration, it was later found out that the Singaporean vendor subcontracted the work to a small Bandung software house which employ freelancers to do the job.

WRP Center asked for help from Nutrifood HQ, and immediately was referred to WGS. The business logic was indeed complex, which was why the Singaporean vendor failed:

  • The product may be a package consisting of physical products and slimming services
  • Customers can purchase products in one branch location, but can take them piece by piece in any branches at any time.
  • Promotion schema: buy package A and B, get X and Y% discount. Plus various other scenarios.
  • No returns, but customers can exchange flavors.
  • Expiry date on the stocked inventory.

After 9 months from initiation, finally WGS PoS solution goes live at Kelapa Gading (two locations), Taman Anggrek, Grand Indonesia.

WRP Diet Center

Other features include:

  • Purchase order, goods receipt note
  • Returns to suppliers
  • Inventory mutation among Diet Centers
  • Stock opname
  • Offline POS system, but sync when online
  • Multi payment method on cashier (combination of credit card and cash)
  • SMS and email marketing: thank you, birthday promotion, etc.
  • Customer portal to make appointments, view promotions, and view diet progress.

Screeshot POS

Kudos to the PoS team:

Team PoS

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