ArticlesTechnology6 Benefits of e-Recruitment for HR Management

Ratri AdityaraniNovember 28, 2016

In managing human resources, each company must have a sufficiently detailed selection procedure with different preferences. But in the practice, the Human Resource team performed this task with a lot of effort and time allocation.

The need for companies to allocate their budget in the form of IT support will greatly help facilitate HR department performance in handling the process of candidates selection. HR department can use an appropriate and practical e-recruitment application. Recruitment has been a challenge for companies to find qualified team member candidates, but thanks to digital technology development, making the process faster and easier is now possible.


This digital recruitment application can be incorporated into the company’s website which can be directly accessed by potential applicants. Thus, e-recruitment application not only provides benefits for companies (especially the HR department), but also very easy for prospective applicants to apply directly the desired position and within his/her qualifications.

Some advantages of this application for HR Department can be seen as follows:

Job Vacancy Ad

Like a job ad in the newspaper, this application provides a pre-structured job advertisement templates. This job vacancy is available immediately in the company’s career page as a part of the company’s website. With the available templates, the company can organize their content much easier.

Easy Segmenting

In this e-recruitment app, HR department can manage segmentation needed in accepting prospective employees in accordance with their fields. Each position advertised usually have different qualifications. For example, the company requires prospective employees with minimal education of Bachelor Degree for a certain position, or Undergraduate for other positions. The company can set up the requirements, and if there’s any applicant meet the requirements, then the application will directly assorted to the right segmentation.

Online Filing

One of the problems faced by HR Department is space requirement for the files from the applicants. If there were 100 applicants within a week, then in a month the HR department will need a place for 400 files that are increasingly difficult to be sorted. With the e-recruitment applications, all files stored on the digital / cloud server, making it easier HRD to store, sort, and list the applicants. Both applicants’ CV and ID will be stored safely and neatly.

Speed Up The Selection and Test

With the programmed segment setting, then the selection process of candidates becomes much easier. Applicants who qualify can immediately be categorized in the test candidates. To that end, this software provides immediate notification via email and SMS automatically sent directly to the candidates.

As for the applicants, this e-recruitment software offer several conveniences:

A Detailed Company Profile

Applicants can view the company profile that he aimed more clearly. Applicants may consider whether the company he headed can provide benefits that he expected or not. It can also determine whether the type of company he headed is in accordance with the qualification he owned.

Ease Completing Documents

Usually companies will require supplementary documents such as photocopies of ID card, the last diploma, or other letters. With this application, applicants can instantly upload the required documents.

With this e-recruitment applications, it is expected the process of finding human resources can be optimized. If your company needs better HR performance, then this application will be very useful. You can contact us to learn more about this application of e-recruitment.

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