ArticlesBusiness IntelligenceEnterprise Resource PlanningTechnologyIntegrate & Automate Ecommerce Business Process to ERP System

Update May 2020: With the current situation on COVID-19 Pandemic, both these solutions would help businesses to run even when Physical Distancing is in effect. 


Integrate & Automation Ecommerce Business Process to ERP System

Ecommerce is a term used by companies to sell and buy products online. The online market in Indonesia has been growing rapidly from year to year, with the total online transaction of 8 mil USD in 2013 and predicted to grow into 60 mil USD in 2019. The number of Indonesian digital buyers is predicted to increase with a high number of young internet users, with 75% internet penetration on consumers in 10 to 24 & 25 to 34 year old age groups.

Ecommerce has a huge impact on marketing effort, with an easier and quicker process of sales & purchase compared to conventional ways. In the implementation of eCommerce; which consists of 3 layers: the flow of goods, the flow of money, and the flow of information; everything would be well documented with integration on ERP systems.

In most cases, companies would want to change marketing activities while also cutting business transaction cost for trading activities with e-commerce. The usual processes in e-commerce are the creation of websites for products & services, direct ordering and product availability, customer accounts, and online transactional payments.

However, just with those things, it will not support significantly in adding to the profits that your company wants to achieve. To get more benefits from e-commerce, automation systems will ease processes in e-commerce and also increase service from the company to the customers. Here are 4 integrations that can be done for data process on Ecommerce:

  1. Cross-Platform Promotion
    To further spread your marketing channel, you can build a cross-platform promotion. It is an alternative digital strategy as an alternative media from Google & Facebook. For example, if you’re giving a point reward to customers; some companies have implemented API to redeem points into vouchers for purchases from other popular online markets and vice versa.
  2. Sales Pipeline
    To further trigger the action of potential customers, Ecommerce integration with Experian / Hubspot can help update the opportunity record for each sales pipeline prospects. So customers who are ready to buy the product can be identified. Another advantage of this automation, are in re-marketing effort. When a customer who has signed in to your eCommerce but don’t buy the goods in their cart, can be re-targeted. When said goods are in promotion, the marketing system will automatically send promotional email to notify the customer, for higher conversion.
  3. Automated Financial Recording
    Every purchase in Ecommerce is already recorded in the Ecommerce system. However, trading company’s accounting would very much prefer to do financial reports in their main financial tools. Automation is required to facilitate the company in transaction data management. When integrated data such as purchases, returns, and other data will be auto-recorded from your website with your existing finance systems like SAP or Oracle, whether in real-time (if permitted) or by batch processing.
  4. Reports & Statistics
    Depending on your needs there are 2 types of integration:
    • Report writing and statistics are expected by the company to know how things are going and might affect the way your eCommerce works. To make it easier for reading the statistics report it can be integrated reporting applications such as Microsoft’s Power BI.
    • Analyze & forecasting by integrating eCommerce with ERP such as SAP, this automation is expected to evaluate campaign performance and ROI, see the results of the campaign in real-time and make adjustments quickly and also can improve marketing efforts to maximize every money spent.

With Ecommerce, your company’s sales process can run much easier. However, you may not get the desired efficiency without a proper integration effort. A lot of time and work will be wasted if you’re still using conventional methods rather than automated data processing. Feel free to contact WGS, if you’d like a professional help whether on consultation or application development.

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