ArticlesIoTTechnologyRuby on Rails on Oracle Middleware : a Platform For End-to-End Solutions

Ryan BayuMarch 20, 2017



I am assuming you already know about Oracle, right?

Now the question is: “What is a Middleware?”

Middleware, in short, is a solution that allows applications to communicate with one another. Middleware technologies are able to hide the complexities of the source and target systems, freeing developers from focusing on low-level APIs and network protocols, allowing them to concentrate on sharing information.
In a short, Middleware is an approach, or more accurately, a general category of approaches, to providing interoperability between the multiple disparate systems that make up a typical enterprise infrastructure.

middleware architecture

Middleware has a several objectives / purposes, including:

  • a. Providing facilities for the programmers so they will be be able to distribute the objects used in several different processes.
  • b. Can run on a single machine or across multiple machines connected to the network.

Well I should make it clear once again to you. The purpose of Middleware is as interconnect application connectivity and interoperability problems. Middleware is needed to migrate from mainframe applications to client / server applications and also to provide communication between different platforms.

Now lets move to Ruby on Rails

When we look at the official tutorial from Oracle. We know that Rails is a capable Web application platform and has gained significant traction among JEE and PHP programmers. That attraction makes a lot of sense when you consider the strengths of Rails. For one thing, it uses a strict Model-View-Controller architecture that any self-respecting design-patterns wonk would admire. This fact explains its attraction to JEE developers. Second, it’s easy to build basic systems with Rails, which is attractive to PHP developers.

Ruby on Rails is so capable to create a system component, which is a manageable process that is not deployed as an application. Instead, a system component is managed by the Oracle Process Manager and Notification (OPMN). The system components are:

  • Oracle HTTP Server
  • Oracle Web Cache
  • Oracle Internet Directory
  • Oracle Virtual Directory
  • Oracle Forms Services
  • Oracle Reports
  • Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer
  • Oracle Business Intelligence

You can extend the value of your current investments in applications while taking advantage of modern hardware and software architectures. We can develop a middleware which is an innovation platform for end-to-end solutions that:

  • Streamline and optimize business and IT operations
  • Increase the accuracy and timeliness of business decisions
  • Secure critical enterprise data
  • Drive better compliance

If you’re looking to make your Oracle or multi-vendor IT environment more efficient and secure, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our skilled team of consultants has years of experience across the full Oracle technology stack. It’s experience you can count on to help your enterprise create, run and manage agile and intelligent business applications.

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