Ikin WirawanApril 2, 2013

Rails: Productive Happiness

Rails is a corporation with a highly systematic and well-organized procedure; there are complete divisions of who’s doing what and where. To get started in the company, all you need to do is to understand the layout, comprehend the fact that you don’t have to deal with repetitive micro-managerial decisions –because somebody else is already dedicated to it– and gain benefit from its efficiency.

As a programming toolbox, Rails emerged as the wealthy one. Enriched with pre-written codes that shaped the basic construction of many common functions of a web development, Rails eliminates the superfluous “rituals” of the web-making process, while at the same time enforcing an order of structure.

By purging the complex routine, the progression of the development will be able to be focused on the business issues to be solved. Rails is keeping everybody productive by providing them production leverage of FASTER development time, LOWER development cost, in a HAPPIER process.


The Rails philosophy is based on the following gist:

DRY – Don’t Repeat Yourself

Rails suggest that writing the same code over and over again is a bad thing. We believe so, as well.

Convention Over Configuration

Rails, which was written in the Ruby language, is designed to make assumptions about the developers’ needs and the best ways to do it when they get started; this design allows developer to skip endless configuration files ,write less code and complete more tasks.


GET ON THE RIGHT TRACK. Utilize Rails today!

Why should a development be fun?

Rails’ Generators (or Scaffolding) offers developers an excellent development foundation, the Rails community endlessly provide you with various plugins to be added to the development, no need to put together clutters of libraries, and Rails’ integrated testing frameworks are included in a ready-to-use stack.

Performing as a time (and energy) saving mechanism, Rails effectively ‘force you’ to get creative in finding the answer you seek in technology automation. When you can develop faster, cleaner and in an overall happier state, you will have more time to focus on the main purpose of developing an app: what do you want it to be able to do, and how?

Fun is having your dream shaped the way you want it to be, and Rails’ extreme automation enabled that.


Image from pragdave(dot)pragprog(dot)com

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